Dragun's Environmental Site Assessment and Remediation Webinars Available Here:

Environmental Compliance Tips and Insights
If you have an immediate question about an environmental compliance issue, or would like us to address a specific environmental compliance issue, contact Matthew Schroeder, P.E. at 248-932-0228, Ext. 117 or Jeffrey Bolin, M.S., CHMM at 248-932-0228 Ext. 125 Note:...
Climate and Energy Executive Orders
While we expect some action soon regarding several environmental regulations passed under President Biden, President Trump has taken immediate action on several climate and energy executive orders – rescinding some and issuing new orders. The following rescinded...
EPA’s Final Rule Banning TCE and PCE/PERC
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published two significant final rules in December relating to Trichloroethylene (TCE) and Perchloroethylene (PCE), aka “Perc.” The two solvents are widely used, so those in charge of environmental compliance will want to pay...
SEC Not Backing Down, The European Factor, and The Trump Transition
Although the US Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) disbanded its Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) task force, they are not backing down from enforcement efforts. In addition, we are getting a better idea of the environmental staff for President-Elect...